A downloadable game for Windows and macOS

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A desktop pet bird to keep you company while you work :)

  • Click on the bird to have it follow your mouse
  • Click on the perch to send it home
  • Drag the perch wherever you'd like
  • On Windows OS the bird will also fly to the top of your current active window
  • Right click on the bird for settings and to quit

How I made this:

Note: For anyone having issues with the bird having a black background, it appears to be a bug related to old graphics card drivers. I tested on an older computer and had the same issue until I updated the NVIDIA driver to latest. So please try that and see if it fixes the issue! Thanks :)

Updated 15 days ago
Published 16 days ago
PlatformsWindows, macOS
Rated 5.0 out of 5 stars
(5 total ratings)
Made withGodot, Aseprite
Tagsbird, desktop-pet, Godot, Virtual Pet


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Click download now to get access to the following files:

DesktopBird.exe 139 MB
DesktopBird.dmg 52 MB


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This is adorable and so creative. I love it!

Thanks so much! 😁

139 MB Download? Try to compile the engine. It's easy actually. When I did it, it reduced the size to around 100 Kb from 100 MB.


Omg this is so good ngl. It's so fun to work with this bird on your screen. I mean, atleast I won't get bored much. 

I aspire to be as good as you!!

I'm so happy to hear you are having fun with it! 🕊️


Why not compile a linux version? It seems bad faith to me :(


what a weird thing to say to someone... "bad faith" for not implementing something to YOUR wants...


As far as I'm aware (although I'm a programmer as well, I don't program games) its just a matter of exporting to linux, if that's not the case I apologize, but usually with game engines like godot or unity (with unity I'm sure this is the case) all you have to do is click one button and ta da linux version... You did not think she had to code the same thing twice right? She had to put some checks about the os in the window location parts, since that is using window's own api, but again as far as I'm concerned, the rest of the code should be as easy as to click one button to compile it to other platform :)

(1 edit) (+3)

Out of all the kinds of "games" one could make, this desktop pet would probably require the most custom code to work on Linux. How many different desktop environments, windows managers, etc are there to support? What a nightmare prospect it would be to port this to linux. Yikes. 

Bravo to Rachel for getting it working with Windows


If you check the video she made about it, it is clear that it pulls specific Windows DLL into the running code to access extra window features that are needed to make it run. It won't natively run under Linux.

So in this case it's not just about exporting to another platform. It's using features not supported by Godot itself. It even explicitly needs the C# version to use the PInvoke functionality.

can't open in mac :/

You should be able to open it following these Godot Instructions


Linux version pls!


Linux verion? :)



I found a bug. When I have two monitors and focus on a window on my second screen, the pet moves to the corresponding position on the first screen instead of staying on the focused window.

I think this solution might solve the issue

var total_size    = Vector2i.ZERO; 
for screen in DisplayServer.get_screen_count()-1:         
    total_size += DisplayServer.screen_get_size(screen) 
var real_position = your_window_data.rect.position+Vector2(total_size)

Thanks for looking into that! I didn't have multiple monitors to test with, but will see if I can set it up to fix.


Works for me on 7 yo AMD card: RX 560.


Plays well with other pets.


Yay, glad to hear!

For anyone having issues with the bird having a black background, it appears to be a bug related to old graphics card drivers. I tested on an older computer and had the same issue until I updated the NVIDIA driver to latest. So please try that and see if it fixes the issue! Thanks :)

Transparency isn't working for me either unfortunately (Windows 10, using the latest NVIDIA driver). Even so, this is a fun project you've made! Nice work! 🐦


i have an old graphics card, tried creating a shortcut and setting it to run like so: DesktopBird.exe --rendering-driver opengl3
and it works for me, so maybe this is a viable solution to some.

Cool, thanks for testing that!


I have an RTX 3070ti and the latest driver and this happened to me, using yas19sin reccomendation worked though. Hope this helps!

Would you be willing to publish your C# code that deals with reading window information? 

I'm also working on a desktop pet project (in 3.2.1 before they reworked window transparency clickthrough) and would love the ability to read window position data! Anything beyond GDscript is outside of my wheelhouse of expertise.


Here's the C# code that interacts with the Windows APIs: https://gist.github.com/RachelfTech/d98a7c8f4c7eb8bb18a09552cf7bab40

Then you can reference https://docs.godotengine.org/en/stable/tutorials/scripting/cross_language_script... to interact with the data from C#.

Just wanted to note that the file is a bit messy (I didn't end up using all the code for the final project) and I also don't really know C#, but hope it helps anyway!

Thanks! I'll definitely take a look. Love how your project turned out!

(1 edit)

Hi, that's a neat thing, thank you for making it. For me, the transparency is not working, the bird and the perch have a black background (Windows 10).

Thanks for trying it! I've received some other similar reports on Windows 10 (I'm on 11). If possible could you also let me know what graphics card you have? Trying to see if there are any trends outside of just the OS. Thank you!

Transparency is not working for me either and I am on Windows 11 Business.

I just tested on an old laptop and had the same black background issue, but then I updated my NVIDIA driver to latest and it works fine now. So maybe if possible try that if your drivers aren't fully up to date.

If anyone tries that please let me know if it fixes the issue for you. Thanks! 😁

I am using an AMD GPU  with the latest drivers..